Did you know that the more raw vegetables that you add to your meals, the more full and satisfied you will feel ? In fact, it is often when we think, I'm not that hungry and skimp on the veggies that we overeat and take in more than we can use.
For example a 2 T of chocolate chips has the same amount of calories as this salad. 1/4 cup of almonds with that (its 14 almonds)?
Instead add in 1/8 avocado, lemon juice, and a tsp of olive oil to this salad.
Now do you really want to skip that meal?
Easiest Perfect soft boiled eggs
1 pot boiling water
1 large bowl of ice water (do not skip this step)
Place the eggs carefully into the boiling water with a 6 minute timer, then quickly transfer into the ice bath.
Perfect runny soft boiled eggs, or for a slightly firmer yolk try 9 minutes.
This easy meal prep can be done while washing the dishes and set you up to commit to #neverskipameal
Make this Salad even easier to prepare..
Bagged lettuce
Cherry tomatoes
Buy shredded carrot
Mason jar this salad in advance